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Energy monitoring system importance and usage

Energy monitoring system importance and usage

March, 2021

The energy consumption in 2050 will be very different today. Meeting future energy demand with affordable cost will be a key challenge. The world’s population will increase from approximately 9.4 billion in the Symphony scenario in 2050, energy consumption will grow by nearly 50% till 2050. Most of this growth comes from developing countries like India where growth is focused in regions where strong economic growth is driving demand. As per EIA data it clearly indicates that the industrial sector is a major contributor in energy usage by 2050, global industrial energy consumption reaches about 315 quadrillion British thermal units (Btu).

Blog on Energy monitoring system importance and usage
global primary energy consumption by region

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Let’s Study worldwide energy consumption

In this unprecedented time where uncertainty for the energy demands has continued to increase, we need to understand pressure, consequences and challenge in the energy sector.

Though there are numerous energy conservation awareness campaigns targeting consumer’s senses trying to make everybody conscious of the significance of conserving energy and protecting the environment but it hardly affecting the core users. Repercussions of access energy use every day damaging the earth. An increase in carbon footprint is the biggest result of using too much energy is an increase, which refers to the amount of carbon dioxide and all its other compounds emitted into the air. Which results in obvious further nature damage, we know it as climate change. Global responsibility is one part but users are not even concerned about the fact that how much they are spending for untracked energy usage . If people continue to misuse energy, sooner or later, we will run out of supply. The little bit that we get would be very expensive. You will feel anxiety after your electricity bills.

Globally, brick and mortar structures are responsible for approximately 40% of the total world yearly energy consumption. As per Accenture Report, The retail industry, business offices ingests energy across primary categories: stores, distribution centers, offices etc. The physical retail , locations or office space account for a large percentage of a energy consumption. In a typical 50,000 square foot retail building, a retailer’s lighting and heating, ventilation and air conditioning alone account for 75 % of total energy use. In some retail supercentres and grocery stores, consumption analyses can vary due to refrigeration & air-condition systems, which act as another major electricity user. It is also vital to note that, although 50,000 square feet represents average retail store size, “big-box” and electronic retailers often build stores in excess of 100,000 square feet, further increasing both energy consumption and costs. On average, a retail store in a developed economy consumes 14.3 kWh per square foot and spends approximately $1.47 per square foot on energy, depending on the price of energy.


Nowadays business owners, executive level heads, decision makers are focusing on this crucial parameter as well. They sense immense need to reduce their overheads by saving energy as well.

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Reasons to monitor your energy consumption

Identify factors that influence your energy usage

To understand the capacity of your existing electrical panel & Amount of Electricity Consumed, Utility Electricity Price Per Watt it is important to monitor energy usage and may give, substantial benefits to business people. Before receiving the monthly energy bill, companies are often unaware of their excessive energy consumption. Electricity bills are one of the major liabilities for business owners. Also electricity load study before adding any extra load is important for electricians. It helps them well to think about where one can increase or decrease the load/ utility.

Analyse energy saving potential & Implementation

After capturing data, it is important to analyse data which is indicating accurate reflection of energy usage. Create customised reports, graphs and note down observations. It helps operator to trail saving opportunities and optimises a company’s power saving potential. Businesses have designed their own customised reports and structured their own energy management system with various software. After analysing one can take control of power consumption. After choosing energy management measures & implementing it strategically that will help you to reduce your electricity bill. After that it’s also easier for you to see the correlation between your energy use being reduced and your energy saving measures.

Save Money & build reputation

Successful monitoring & implementation your business energy consumption, you can classify what you use within your buildings and where. With the help of reports & data you are then able to make judgments on how to reduce the costs of energy in your business – financial or otherwise. Apart from that, it's a good cause to invest with dual benefits, one is to save money and second is to build a positive CSR for your brand. Successful energy management certifies other companies to defining their energy targets & encourage other organizations to promote such actions.