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Ten reasons to consult IAM
when you think about Retail Automation

Nov, 2021

Introduction: Retail automation is the usage of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in retail operations. It includes self-service, standalone kiosks that operate as Retail automation has revolutionized the retail operations. Technological advancements have generated the adoption of automation in retail industries. Software integration uses replaced the traditional retail services inside a retail store

Consult IAM for Retail Automation

Why Retail Automation?

Retail automation will reshape the business model and form an establishment with fewer layers and better trained and trusted employees empowered by real-time data and analytics. Business process automation in retail has a prominent role to play as we enter the new decade. Automation can solve many purposes, and automation technologies and solutions are as affordable now as they have ever been in the past.

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Ten Points Of Iam Iot Based Solutions Works Towards Retail Automation

IAM’s IoT based retail automation works towards retailers concerns with an integrated system with the following features-

  • Better visibility into spending & reporting insights : This Internet of Things (IoT) application with real-time, interactive, highly scalable analytics and appealing visualizations, reports, and dashboards will give retailers o better visibility with dwell time and heat map of IAM.
  • Increase operational efficiency : When it comes to retail stores business, it is necessary to understand how does staff works in terms of operations, IAM's IoT-based integrated devices work to monitor staff operational efficiency. Especially for small or middle businesses in a retail store.
  • Brand preservation : In retail stores brand preservation is the utmost goal to achieve. The IAM's IoT-based retail solution can play a crucial part in preservation. We can understand brand preservation with much intelligence of integrated IoT-based devices.
  • Returns : IAM's retail automation services give retailers the best returns in terms of business with IoT-based technology retailers can achieve the returns by using them conveniently. With an accuracy of 98 percent of footfall in retail stores.
  • Workflow management : In any retail store, retailers are not able to sustenance for long in their business without workflow management IAM's IoT-based devices can help in a better way to manage the staff and smoothly monitor every area of a retail store.
  • Customer support : The Internet of Things and retail allows store managers to find new ways to establish a connection with a client, create a short and direct customer journey, improve the process of product maintenance, and build a long-lasting bond with first-time shoppers. The winners in the sector will be those who understand these implications and act quickly to address them.
  • Store planning : An integrated technology helps in-store planning. In retail, moving merchandise more efficiently is a major goal to achieve. IoT can play a crucial part in the maintenance of transport, tracking, and route optimization. Of course, many retailers have been using GPS to track and route goods transportation for years, but with IoT, we’re able to understand with much greater accuracy how close a pallet of merchandise is given to the store.
  • Inventory management : Inventory management can be a headache for retailers. A lack of accurate tracking for inventory can lead to stock-outs and overstock. IoT can tackle these issues by automating inventory visibility by applying smart inventory management solutions based on store shelf sensors, video monitoring, and digital price tags, retail businesses can enhance procurement planning. When product inventory is low, the system offers to re-order the adequate amount based on the analytics acquired from IoT data.
  • Behaviour analysis : Retailer IoT applications can synthesize data from video surveillance cameras, mobile devices, and social media websites, allowing merchants to predict customer behaviour. IoT sensors can track down a customer’s habits and share insights with the marketing team. Apart from customer’s behaviour analysis, it works for retail tore staff also for security purposes. This system can help to avoid any unwanted things in any retail store.
  • Improve customer satisfaction : Customer satisfaction is an important factor of any business, retail stores have admitted that IoT has improved the overall customer experience. And the same has increased business efficiency.


Retailers are already reaping the rewards of applying IoT applications successfully. Impact retail automation has been helping midsize and large size organizations achieve their business goals. Implementing IoT solutions can deliver valuable insights to retailers. Such solutions can facilitate streamlined customer experiences while amplifying profits. Our integrated IoT- based solutions are always there to serve you the best. IoT-enabled technologies have the power to improve customer experience as well as increase brand loyalty.